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Tablet Weaving

Tablet weaving is an ancient form of weaving, to create narrow fabrics with rich designs. Its charm is in the genius of its simplicity.

 My weaving burst the limits of the width and size of tablet weaving accepted worldwide for thousands of years.

Tablet weaving 418 cards

Tablet weaving 418 cards

Weaving center

Tablet weaving, 418 tablets!

Tablet weaving, 418 tablets!

weaving center

Tablet weaving- Gonit Porat

Tablet weaving- Gonit Porat

380 cards

Tablet weaving, 380 tablets!

Tablet weaving, 380 tablets!

Weaving center

Tablet weaving carpet

Tablet weaving carpet

Weaving center

Tablet weaving- Gonit Porat

Tablet weaving- Gonit Porat

weaving center

Tablet weaving

Tablet weaving

Weaving center

Tablet weaving

Tablet weaving

A Warp-Weighted Loom

Gonit Porat

Gonit Porat

Tablet weaving

On a warp weighted loom

On a warp weighted loom

Tablet weaving- Gonit Porat

Tablet weaving-Gonit Porat

Tablet weaving-Gonit Porat

Weaving center

Card weaving Gonit Porat

Card weaving Gonit Porat

Weaving center

Tablet weaving

Tablet weaving

Weaving center

Tablet weaving

Tablet weaving

Weaving center

Card weaving

Card weaving

Weaving center

Tablet weaving

Tablet weaving

Weaving center

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