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I was born with the name "Gonit", in Hebrew, a name that means shades of color. Since my Childhood the secrets of natural dyeing have fascinated me.

Over the years I have been exploring the secrets of natural dyeing, being attentive to the plants that surrounds us, experiencing the magic and power of nature through the changes of season.

I made my home in Yodfat, in the heart of the Galilee. The ancient city of Yodfat was a major weaving center in Israel 2,000 years ago, and one can still find loom weights scattered around, as a reminder of their busy lives.

My weaving is inspired by the ancient techniques prevalent in our country, including weaving on a warp-weights looms, ground looms, and tablet weaving, which I'm investigating and developing.

In Yodfat I've established an active center for weaving, spinning and natural dyeing, and I teach in its magic expanse and throughout the Galilee. As part of this initiative, Arab and Jewish women weave together an island of peace.

I believe that the thread spun across scenic Galilee connects the past and the present, beckons us to recreate the rich cultural mosaic that makes up our region.

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